Alaina Trofler
Introduce Yourself:
My name is Alaina Trofler, I am from Joshua Tree, CA and I am 21 years old. I am currently a senior at Pepperdine University majoring in Integrated Marketing Communication.
Plans after graduation: My biggest goal is to be financially independent and be able to afford my own apartment by the time I graduate in May.
Career aspirations: I have always wanted to be my own boss regardless of what that looks like. I’ve played with several ideas that range from marketing agency owner to small fashion business owner. I haven’t decided yet!
How do you define success?
I view success as setting a goal and working at it consistently and with passion in order to achieve it. I know I’m successful when I’m proud of what I’ve accomplished and it’s made a difference in my life or the lives of others (hopefully both!).
What are your goals/dreams and where do you see yourself in 5 years?
If I were to dream with no limitations set on me, I would say that I’d love to move to Hawaii and have my own sustainable clothing brand. In 5 years it would be 2025 and I would be 26 years old. At that point I want to feel financially stable enough to have a thorough investment portfolio and multiple streams of income. I see myself as a better, more refined and authentic version of myself. I see myself traveling the world. I see myself developing new hobbies and continuing to learn.
What is something that motivates you?
My biggest motivation is my vision for what my life could be. I am motivated by the stories of other women who are self made and started from the bottom. It helps me believe that I can achieve that kind of success too.
What is something that you do - a habit or daily practice - that you believe helps you achieve your goals or be productive?
I’m a natural born writer - I write down everything either in a journal or the notes app in my phone. Whenever I have an idea I jot it down whether it’s a business idea or a good joke. Writing things down helps me to keep track of everything that is constantly flowing through my mind and helps me to organize my thoughts to build off of later. Another habit I just committed myself to is to exercise in some way every day (with no more than 2 days of rest). I started this on June 10 and so far it has raised my confidence and makes me feel healthier and more purposeful!
Who is your inspiration and why?
This might sound silly but one of my biggest inspirations is a rapper named Russ. I resonate and look up to many women who can be defined as girl bosses, but Russ’s music motivates me and helps me to believe in myself more than anything else.
Life motto or favorite quote?
I have two. One is long and one is short.
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do.”
“Feel the fear and do it anyway.”
Anything else you want to share? Perhaps a project you’re currently working on or something valuable that you learned from an experience?
A project I recently wrapped up was “Bracelets For Change,” a campaign I ran myself in which I made Black Lives Matter bracelets for $10 donations to the 100% benefit of two black organizations, 100 Black Men of America and Black Girls Code. I raised about $350 and was able to donate $175 to each organization. It made me feel so good to contribute to something I care about deeply, no matter how small it may be.